Friday, March 2, 2012

Estate Sale Finds: Wiglets

Big hair is big these days, and I'm seeing more and more "sock buns" and other tricks to give people even more body than hairspray might be able to. I stumbled on a few fabulous finds at an estate sale to remind me that DIY home hairpieces and wigs were pretty commonplace at one point, and I wonder if there may be a resurgence some time.

"Add a Bang" for all the turban wearers out there:

100% Human Hair "Wiglet" for a little extra lift on top:

I bought the wiglet thinking that I might brush it out and experiment a little with it (sorry add-a-bang), but I' haven't been brave enough to wear it out and about yet.

What do you think? Would you ever sport some hair that wasn't yours?

1 comment:

  1. Wow....this is quite awful to admit,
    but at one point my hair was sooo
    over processed that it literally all burned off :(
    so yes, for a couple of months I did wear a "piece" but then it was a pixie cut for me (that is of course on the brave days, other days the piece stayed on!) Thankfully that was years ago and it's all grown back now!
