Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'Les enfants sennuient le dimanche (The children are bored on Sundays)

They've been previewing Oliver Peoples' 2010 Campaign since last September, but I just barely saw this short film 'Les enfants sennuient le dimanche (The children are bored on Sundays), directed by Autumn De Wilde. It is basically a commercial for glasses, but I always like when art seeps into advertisements.

Featuring the dashing Elijah Wood in a sharp lookin' suit and a sultry Shirley Manson. Soundtrack perfection by Zee Avi.

Things to love:

- Coordinated head tilts.
- Big red hair. Big glasses.
- She is taller than him.
- All that sexual tension.
- That shot in the pool.

I can't seem to get the format right for the blog for some reason, so you might want to watch it over at youtube.

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