Monday, March 15, 2010

Favorite Fashion Accessory: Bicycles!

The weather has been phenomenal in san francisco the past few days (and I am wearing a skirt sans-tights today to prove it). That, plus the Daylight Savings shift this weekend means more evening hours to cruise the town by bike!

As these lovely ladies obviously attest - there is no fashion accessory more stylish than a bicycle (though doing it in a skirt seems more romantic than practical. Please don't judge me if I ride a bike in dirty cut-offs):

(Jeff Linsky, LA Times)
(lars daniel)
(Taunton Tweed Cycle Chic)
(change your life ride a bike)
(Copenhagen Cycle Chic)
(Google Images)
(cycle chic)(Riding Pretty)
(Riding Pretty)
(Riding Pretty)

(Riding Pretty)
(London Cycle Chic)
(London Cycle Chic)
(London Cycle Chic)
(bleubird vintage)

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