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Be sure to follow us on Twitter to know exactly when we post them.
Turns out, they were filming a three minute musical interpretation of the first scene from the movie Heathers to promote the 80s dance club Darling Nikki. Glad to know the backyard is a home for so much creativity:
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In the meantime, I've been looking around for them online. I spotted these from Berlinner Strasse. They are all original (instead of all the reproductions out there), ship straight from Germany, and range in price from $200-$300 - and they are so pretty:
(and other similar posters can be found at Ekho Vintage or Bonnie & Bell as well)I guess the idea that vintage clothes are costume-y to a good portion of the population leads to one of my best thrifting secrets - I always check out the costume racks for pieces that the thrift store worker thought looked weird and retro but that I want to bring home and actually wear.
In honor of Halloween, I'm previewing a few gems that could be costume-y if you wanted them to be ... (but just know that I'd wear all of em on a non-Halloween occasion too).
Mad Men:
The pamphlet takes on a very Seventeen "do's and don'ts" tone, and I've picked out some of my favorite tips to share:
My biggest takeaway is that the author really didn't think secretaries should wear bobby socks.
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HD Buttercup is a really lovely furniture store located in SOMA in San Francisco. Aside from being huge and full of the kind of furniture that is pretty enough to make you feel okay about dedicating your next several paychecks to it, they have worked in a lot of really great vintage decorating ideas that could be some DIY inspiration for around the home.
A wall of vintage plates:
Bowler hats turned light covers:
Old shoe stands painted for display:
And lots of vintage pieces around every corner, like this trophy collection:
I'm always looking for something new to put on the walls, and large-scale art makes such a statement. Catherine of Design Editor photographed a couple of her vintage cameras, then made 24"x36" engineering prints of them for a whopping $3.29 each. Voila! Interesting DIY wall art!
Want to make your own? You can download her camera images for free right here. Or...see what kind of vintage gems you have around the house that would look good on the wall and try your own.
(Spotted on How About Orange)
This song kills me. It is everything I love about thrift stores:
(don't be mad about the f-word so many times)
Favorite lyrics:
I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got $20 in my pocket
I-i-im hunttin lookin for a come up
This is f-ing awesome
Bout to go and get some compliments passin up on those moccasins
Someone else has been walkin in but me and grungie f- em in
I am stuntin' and flossin' and savin' money and I’m hella happy
thats a bargain b*&@h. Ima take your grandpa's style. Ima take your grandpa's style.
No for real - Ask your grandpa can I have his hand-me-downs?
They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard
I bought a ski blanket, then I bought a knee board.
There were all sorts of gems to be found in there. One of my favorites that I brought home to my personal collection was this mod tote bag.
Complete with a matching small purse and "hidden" zippered compartment underneath for your secret feminine accessories.
So basically I have the cutest tampon holder around.
For four days straight, I rummaged and haggled and poured over old treasures, and came back with several suitcases full and even more photos:
One of my favorite old finds of the trip was a viewmaster projector. Mine came pristine and perfect in its box, with a handwritten note by the previous owner:
I'm feeling the same way about many of the treasures I brought home. I'll probably be writing the same thing on many of them.