Friday, May 29, 2009

ALMOST Animal Heads

Well lookie here:

The Fall/Winter 2009 lookbook forCa$hmere, a women’s and men’s exclusive knitwear collection designed by John Scher - is using cartoon heads in place of the models heads.

We actually considered drawing heads on our models as well initially, but ended up going for masks for the creepier 3-D effect.

(via angelofharlemfashion. Thanks to Claire for the heads up!)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Father's Day Idea: the pampered mustache

While in Portland, I visited many an antique store. I dragged a certain bearded man around with me, and as reward for never complaining once, I bought him his own mustache protector teacup (offically called a Mustache Guard). Have you seen these things? They are usually these little dainty teacups, with a mustache shaped protector built right into the rim for the manly men that will be sipping their tea.

Mustache Guard teacups and mugs! Can you say best ever Father's Day gift for the hairy man in your life?

I did a little research on how they came to be. Apparently they first showed up around 1830, because those dandy Victorian mustaches were no match for the constant tea parties they were attending. Either the mustache wax melted in the cup, or the dye ran everywhere, or the mustaches got stained from the tea. Solution? The mustache protector, built right into the cup. (a funny history of them written here)

There are always lots to choose from on eBay and etsy, though I liked this one:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

White =Tight!

Although I'm really happy with what we're accomplishing over at Animal Head, sometimes I see another take on vintage and wonder why I didn't think of that. All Things White sells vintage goods that are you, you guessed it, white. I love how they've curated their shop. I think if I were to ape this concept I'd do it in baby blue. What hues would you pick? Click on each image to see the etsy listing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ruffled T-Strap

I visited Imelda's over the weekend (my favorite Portland shoe/accessory store, despite their encouragement of rampant overspending with taglines like "this is why credit cards were invented"), and found the shoe of my dreams! I know the ruffled t-strap style has been around for awhile, but the ones I have seen seem to either be flat gladiator-esque sandals or teetering heels that I will never be able to walk to work in.

Behold! The Jeffrey Campbell Tab style shoe, in black and pewter:

The heel height is ideal for comfortable city walking, and the peep toe is just the perfect twist on the basic t-strap shoe. There is also a lovely brown pair out there that I debated over as well.

(hint: this eBay store is selling the black/pewter shoes for a little over $80, with free shipping.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trend Alert: Socks with Sandals

I'm off to Portland for the Memorial Day weekend. The weather here in SF has been hot enough for sandals, but Portland is going to be just a tad chillier, and I'd hate to lose the steam my summer is picking up by having to dress for the cold.


Socks with Sandals.

Hey - don't hate. Ms. Chloë Sevigny was rockin them at Coachella this year....

And the runway is trying to make believers out of us as well.

(via Because I'm Addicted and Style Frizz)

I'm not totally convinced quite yet (the socks with heels seems like an easy sell, but the socks with birks?)...

But, it is tempting to be able to keep your toes warm while wearing summer fashion. And cover up a gnarly foot in need of a pedi. And think of the tanlines you'll get!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Designer - Lillie Rubin

I was in Thrift Town the other day when I found a really fun black velvet evening gown with one big poofy white shoulder and a designer label that read "Lillie Rubin." (You'll have to wait to see the dress, but needless to say it will be making its way onto the AHV site soon).

I didn't know anything about Lillie Rubin, but I know I really loved the dress, so I did a little research when I got home, since often if you like one designer's piece, you might like more of them, and it is always good to have another way to search for clothing online.

It turns out that Lillie Rubin was founded in 1946 in Florida, and was THE place to go in the 50's and 60's if you needed a party dress or an evening gown. The stores sold expensive, high-end, special occasion apparel and accessories (which meant lots of sequined, formal evening gowns, tailored pantsuits and gaudy faux jewels).

In 1998, the brand was aquired by Cache, but in 2006 they turned all Lillie Rubin stores into "Cache Luxe" stores. Lillie Rubin had a good 60 year run, though. For vintage shoppers, that means Lillie Rubin styles are going to be all across the board, since the designs span so many decades. I am a fan of some of the 50s and 60s dresses I have seen, and especially am loving the fun bright 80s florals and creative 80s formalwear out there.

A quick search on ebay and etsy brought up some other Lillie Rubin gems:

This little floral number has about four hours left on eBay right now, and is just screaming "someone invite me to a BBQ pool party."


Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Monday - Here's Looking at You

Monday morning. Bleh, right?

Now imagine sipping your morning coffee (or hot chocolate. or herbal tea. or whatever your beverage of choice might be) out of this mug that I found at the thrift store over the weekend. Maybe you feel a little ceramic love coming your way:

And then, as you drain the cup ...

Here's lookin' at you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bathing Beauties - inspiration for summer

Everyone is doing the round up of summer swim, so we should probably throw our picks into the pile. I always allow myself one new suit every year, (I generously allow myself as many vintage suits as I can find), and this year decided to splurge on this cute suit from Anthro. The skirted bottom is so perfect.

I am loving that for the past few years it has been so easy to find modern suits with vintage cuts. My American thighs (and butt) appreciate a little extra modesty.

orla: (a little splurgey, but so so cute)

Hayden Harnett:

Paul Smith:


kiminchi and blue:

betsey johnson


And of course, no beach trip is properly accessorized without one of these:

There is no place you can buy one, so you are on your own to find yours this summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cap It All Off

My friends and I were just discussing how we all feel like the best shape we've ever been in was when we were swimming a lot. This led me on a hunt for cute swim caps (since none of us are racing anymore, a little style can't hurt).
Turns out other people have swim caps on their minds as well. Joy turned me on to these amazing pictures by Koto Bolofo. I haven't found those exact caps yet, but here's some really good (and cheap!) alternatives. Not all are vintage (chlorine will kill your cap eventually), but they've definitely got a nice vintage vibe:

The minimalist. (scroll down a bit to the bubble head crepe cap). It's the chin strap what does it for me.

I love the sculpted flowers on the "Latex Flower Swim Cap" (from the same site as the bubble head crepe cap)
This site has some good floral options, but their pictures are all copyrighted

As always, an ebay search turns up great stuff. In this case, most of the "vintage ones" are actually just the ones I've listed above. This one is dreamy though.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Estate Sale finds

I'm a sucker for estate sales - I know it is a little morbid, but we all know that estate sales have the real treasures because it is the stuff that someone held onto and wouldn't have gotten rid of if they hadn't died.

I try to go to one every few weeks, and though they are pretty hit or miss (depending on the recently deceased) the one I went to this morning was fun. I got there a little late, and just as you always fear they will, someone named "Bravo" had already been there before me and put their sticky notes on a bunch of things that were pretty great. This little rocking chair for a kid was adorable:

And this askew bright orange pitcher set was great.

Curse you, Bravo! I hate seeing the things I miss out on walk out in front of me.

I still managed to come home with some gems. This little round faux snakeskin hatbox is great, and I have been considering one of these tiered glove holders for awhile, so it was nice to find one that I didn't have to order from the internet. And the slip! I have been way into silky little slips for the past few months, and this one has such cute pleats I couldn't pass it up, even though the dude at the door wouldn't give me a discount on it at all.

I also picked up a little black dress with a bow on the front for AHV, so it will probably make its way into the shop in the next few weeks.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day Tripping

Problem: The first tastes of summer make you want to wear dresses all the time, but you're a working girl.

Inspiration: The smart looking Ladies of the 1950's.

Solution: Day Dresses from Animal Head Vintage. We've got lots to choose from in the shop and many more on the way. You're guaranteed to look professional and ladylike, and oh so stylish too.

Vintage 50s Tan Day Shirt Dress with Big Vintage Lime Green Lace Spring Day Dress

Vintage 50s Red Bowtie Full Skirt Day Dress sz 9/10

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